Skill Levels 2-4
» 031-506-1053 (SL2) – Report Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Information Using NBC 4 Report
Standards: Reported NBC information using the NBC report. Completed NBC 4 reports with all heading information and mandatory line items (Q, R, and S for nuclear or H, Q, and S for chemical or biological). Included all other appropriate data, and ensured that each report was in the correct format. Disseminated completed NBC 4 reports to the proper authority.
» 081-831-1055 (SL4) – Ensure Unit Combat Lifesaver Requirements Are Met
Standards: Conducted the combat lifesaver program in accordance with AR 350-1, paragraph 4-12 and subcourse IS0826.
» 850-001-4001 (SL4) – Integrate Risk Management into Mission Plans
Standards: Completed all sections of the risk management worksheet.
» 191-379-4425 (SL4) – Implement the Unit’s Crime Prevention Program
Standards: Implemented the unit crime prevention program in accordance with the unit SOP and the installation crime prevention program.
» 101-92Y-0001 (SL4) – Supervise Supply Activities
Standards: Attained and maintained 100 percent accountability of all supplies, equipment, and supply records assigned to your activity. Ensured all organizational supply needs were met in the correct quantities, at the appropriate place and time.
» 181-101-2023 (SL2) – Enforce the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)
Standards: Understood that disciplinary action against a soldier for misconduct was a command responsibility. Understood the military justice system, including the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and the disciplinary options available to a commander. Identified potential violations of the UCMJ and expeditiously reported them to the appropriate authorities for investigation and processing.
» 805C-PAD-2044 (SL2) – Recommend Individual for Award
Standards: Prepared a DA Form 638 and included personal data, recommended award, and justification (achievement) entered in bullet format. Forwarded the DA Form 638 to the commander of the individual.
» 031-503-2001 (SL2) – Identify Chemical Agents Using M256-Series Chemical Agent Detector Kit
Standards: Identified chemical agents using an M256-series chemical agent detector kit without becoming a casualty.
» 101-92Y-0002 (SL3) – Plan Tactical Re-Supply Operations
Standards: Developed a service support plan/order for tactical resupply operations in accordance with FM 101-5.
» 101-92Y-0006 (SL2) – Inspect Equipment for Accountability, Cleanliness, and Serviceability
Standards: Ensured all equipment was inspected, and accounted for in accordance with AR 710-2, AR 735-5, DA PAM 710-2-1, and applicable equipment publications.

Standards: Developed and issued a clear and brief FRAGO based on changes in the mission or additional information. Issued the FRAGO in the standard OPORD format.
» 181-101-4001 (SL4) – Conduct a Search/Seizure
Standards: Identified and understood the protections of the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution against unreasonable searches and seizures and its application in the U.S. Army. Identified and understood who was permitted to authorize a search; the search’s legal basis, purpose, and scope; and permissible exceptions to the 4th Amendment. Identified and understood the differences between an inspection and a search.
» 071-326-5503 (SL2) – Issue a Warning Order
Standards: Developed a warning order and issued it to subordinate leaders within the time allotted. The order was issued so all subordinate leaders understood their missions and any coordinating instructions. Issued the warning order in the standard OPORD format.
» 850-001-2000 (SL2) – Employ Accident Prevention Measures and Risk Management Process
Standards: Made an oral or written report that correctly identified the hazards associated with the mission or task, the level of risk for each identified hazard, and the initial overall level of risk.
» 081-831-1054 (SL2) – Evacuate Casualties
Standards: Transported the casualties to medical aid or a pickup site using an appropriate carry or, if other soldiers are available, by litter. The litter was loaded onto a military vehicle (ground vehicle or rotary-wing aircraft) without dropping or causing further injury to the casualty.