Skill Levels 2-4
» 031-503-3008 (SL2) – Implement Mission-Oriented Protective Posture
Standards: Implemented MOPP and directed soldiers to assume the appropriate MOPP level based on MOPP guidance from the commander. Identified all deficiencies and took appropriate corrective action for soldiers sleeping in MOPP 4.
» 181-105-2002 (SL2) – Conduct Combat Operations According to the Law of War
Standards: Conducted operations in accordance with the Law of War and employed actions to prevent violations of the Law of War.
» 805C-PAD-2402 (SL2) – Provide Input on Personnel Actions Affecting Subordinates
Standards: Determined soldier’s eligibility and potential for promotion, assignments, education/training, and career. Counseled soldier on actions required to maintain or obtain eligibility for appropriate personnel action. Provided recommendation/input to commander on personnel action. Provided commander with any change in previous recommendation/input as required.
» 031-503-4002 (SL2) – Supervise Unit Preparation for a Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Attack
Standards: Supervised unit preparation for a NBC attack. Prepared and protected materiel from becoming damaged, contaminated, or inoperable and unit personnel from becoming casualties. Standards are not degraded if performed in MOPP 4; however, because of the amount of physical work that must be done in this task, serious performance degradation may result if soldiers are in MOPP gear.
» 031-503-2023 (SL2) – Measure Radiation Dose Rate and Total Dose
Standards: Performed operator preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) on equipment used. Reported and recorded accurate readings (+ 5 centigray [cGy]) to supervisor. Complied with the commander’s operation exposure guidance and turn-back dose rate without overexposing personnel.
» 805C-PAD-2472 (SL2) – Prepare a Duty Roster
Standards: Prepared a DA Form 6 for each duty requirement, listed all eligible soldiers, posted only days on which a detail was required.
» 071-430-0029 (SL3) – Reorganize a Unit
Standards: Reorganized the unit (squad, platoon, or mortar section) in the defense following enemy contact.
» 101-92Y-0005 (SL2) – Enforce Compliance with Property Accountability Policies
Standards: Enforced property administration in units and maintained property accountability in accordance with Army and DOD Regulations.
» 071-430-0006 (SL4) – Conduct a Defense by a Platoon
Standards: The threat was engaged in accordance with the defensive plan, fires were controlled, terrain was retained, and the threat was destroyed or repelled.
» 101-92Y-0004 (SL2) – Enforce Property Accountability Policies
Standards: Ensured all property was accounted for in accordance with AR 25-400-2, AR 710-2, AR 735-5, DA Pam 25-30, and DA Pam 710-2-1.
» 805C-PAD-3147 (SL3) – Prepare the Senior Rater’s Portion of a Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report (NCOER)
Standards: All elements of the senior rater portion of the NCOER were completed with comments entered in bullet style, and justification entered where required.

Standards: Directed the construction of obstacles that were tied to existing or reinforced obstacles to block, channel, or delay the enemy according to the mission brief or intent.

Standards: Within the specified time, identified the overlay by map reference data, effective date, and purpose. The overlay contained classification markings and downgrading instructions, if applicable and distribution instructions and authentication, if distributed separately. Prepared overlay in accordance with overlay techniques outlined in FM 101?5?1, with boundaries and unit locations plotted to within 50 meters, and tactics and fire support measures to within 25 meters.
» 071-410-0019 (SL3) – Control Organic Fires
Standards: Assigned sectors of fire for each individual and crew-served weapon; issued a priority of target engagement appropriate for each weapon system; informed all personnel of current rules of engagement (ROE); and implemented procedures to engage threat targets in your area of responsibility in a timely manner, with the appropriate weapon system, and without causing injury or death to friendly personnel.

Standards: Selected a location for an observation post (OP) that provided observation of the avenues of approach, was within small-arms range of the element, and offered adequate cover and concealment. Established communication between the OP and the platoon leader or squad leader.