Hell: Day 0
The following information is a portion of “Marck’s Boot Camp Diary”. The information contains a straight-forward look at Basic Training Life on a daily basis. The information contained within this page is used with the express written permission of the author. For more information about the author view the “Author’s Information” at the bottom of the page. Some choice phrases have been censored.
July 16th, 2002
Wake-up was 4am. I was able to get 5 hours of sleep, which in the military, you’re lucky to get. Next is breakfast and MEPS.
Today is the big day: shipping out. I looked at myself in the mirror at the hotel room. It’s still hard to look at a smooth-shaved and Elvis sideburn-free face.
MEPS went by smoothly the first 2 hours. Then I was told to wait one and a half hours in the TV room. Good thing “The Jeffersons” was on. Cool! “Saved by the Bell” comes on next.
Waiting in a room filled with people sucks. We were not allowed to sleep, so we all had to stare at each other for 2 hours. It’s only fucking 9:20am and already I feel like I’ve been here for an entire day. Plus some of the people are so fucking ignorant. There is an Asian guy who said he’s from Korea. Of course, he was asked to “speak Vietnamese or some shit” and if they have “rap music” over there. He was also asked if he knows martial arts, of course. And someone asked if they have sumo wrestling in Korea. I’m only 2 years older than most of these guys, but damn. They’re stupid. And the Korean guy’s last name is You, so you can imagine the hours of “hey You” jokes that ensued.
I hear one funny thing, though. Navy people weren’t looking forward to their water exercises because they didn’t want to jump in a pool with a bunch of seamen. And damn! Whose breath stinks? It’s surrounding me.
I am waiting for a bus. 3 hours waiting for a bus to go to an airport. There’s this guy here, Lopez, he already went to basic and is waiting to go to AIT. He says basic is fun. One of the few who say that. He’s keeping us entertained with stories, such as the one about the recruit in his company that tried to run away to WalMart. How bad a time can you have to want to go there?
Four of us are going to Ft. Knox. Woods, our group leader, has the same AIT I do. I hope he’s cool.
One of us(not me!) bought a porno mag(Swank). We are currently scheming a plan to sneak it into bootcamp. To keep it on the DL, we stuck it in a car mag. All I gotta say is “that’s a nice engine.” The fun continued when we kicked around an inflated condom and it landed on some random old dude. I haven’t laughed like that in 2 days.
Being at the airport for 4 hours can be a boring thing, so a guy has to have some entertainment. So, since we’re not allowed to bring porn to basic, we stuck pages of the mag into a newspaper and placed it on a random seat at the gate. The look on the victim’s face was priceless. He picked up the paper, turned it sideways a few times, stuffed the porn in his bag, and continued to read. Probably with a boner.
The flight to the land of fried chicken was delayed a little bit. While on the plane, it finally hit me. Bootcamp is here. There is no turning back. I hope the 4 of us end up in the same company. Although, I could do without Woods. ************ wouldn’t let me sleep on the plane. Plus he said he snores. Now we’re in Louisville airport at 10:03pm, waiting for our bus to hell.
The bus drove through Louisville. All I saw were places with names such as “Charlie Brown’s Car Care” and “Hobo’s Saloon.” All that there was for miles were bars, car dealers, and car repair shops. So all you do in Louisville is buy cars, get drunk, crash them, and repair them. We got to Ft. Knox at midnight. Filling out forms and eating took until 3am. Wake-up was 4am.