Install and remove an M21 antitank mine
TASK: Install and remove an M21 antitank mine.
TEST CONDITIONS: During daylight, given an M21 mine (inert), M607 fuse (inert), M120 booster (inert), extension rod, M26 arming wrench, entrenching tool, and an area where the mine is to be placed.
TEST STANDARDS: Install and arm the mine within four minutes. Then disarm and recover the mine within three minutes. Perform all steps in sequence.
SOLDIER’S MANUAL CROSSWALK: This task does not differ from task number 051 192 1008 in STP 7 11BCHM14 SM TG.
EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR POINT: M21 antitank mine, M607 fuse, M120 booster, extension rod, M26 arming wrench, entrenching tool, stopwatch, field table, pencil, clipboard, and FB Form 20 24.2 R.
SITE SETUP: Provide equipment and material laid out at the installation point. Provide soft soil at the installation point for this test.
INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: Say to the candidates–
“Let me have your attention. At this point you must install and remove an M21 antitank mine. You will dig a hole and install, arm, and camouflage the M21 antitank mine within four minutes. You will then disarm and recover the mine within three minutes. Do you understand what you must do?”
If anyone has questions, repeat the instructions but do not elaborate on what you have read.
Pause for five seconds and then say–
Allow the candidate to proceed for four minutes and then say–
“STOP. You must disarm and recover the mine within three minutes. Do you understand what you must do?”
If anyone has questions, repeat the instructions but do not elaborate on what you have read.
Pause five seconds and then say–
Allow the candidate to proceed for three minutes and then say–