Estimate range
TASK: Estimate range.
TEST CONDITIONS: During daylight, given one target from 100 to 300 meters away, one target from 300 to 500 meters away, three targets at 500 to 1,500 meters away, and a pair of binoculars. Targets may be soldiers, vehicles, equipment, E-type silhouettes, water tanks, or buildings.
TEST STANDARDS: Estimate the range of each of the five targets within 20 percent of the actual range.
SOLDIER’S MANUAL CROSSWALK: This task is the same as STP 11BCHM1-SM, task 071-326-0512.
EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR POINT: Suitable targets (men, vehicles, E-type silhouettes), binoculars, stopwatches, clipboards, field tables, pencils or ballpoint pens, and FB Form 20-13.4-R.
SITE SETUP: Position targets at various distances and directions from the test position, from 100 meters to 1,500 meters so as to satisfy test conditions. Place the binoculars on the field table for the candidate to use if desired.
INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: Say to the candidates–
“Let me have your attention. At this point you must estimate the range to five targets. We will point out these targets to you one at the time. The targets are from 100 to 1,500 meters in range. You must estimate the range to each with no more than a 20-percent error. For example, for a target 500 meters away, any answer between 400 and 600 meters is acceptable. You will have one minute to estimate the range for each target.
“You may use these binoculars if you desire. Do you understand what you must do?”
If anyone has questions, repeat the instructions but do not elaborate on what you have read.
Point out the first target. Pause for five seconds and then say–
Allow the candidate on proceed for one minute and say–
Score the candidate on the first target. Point out the second target. Pause for five seconds and say–
Allow the candidate to proceed for one minute and say–
Score the candidate on the second target. Point out the third target. Pause for five seconds and say–
Allow the candidate to proceed for one minute and then say–
Score the candidate on the third target. Point out the fourth target. Pause for five seconds and say–
Allow the candidate to proceed for one minute and say–
Score the candidate on the fourth target. Point out the fifth target. Pause for five seconds and say–
Allow the candidate to proceed for one minute and say–
Score the candidate on the fifth target.