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Weapons: Question #
What are the 5 types of ammunition used with the M60?
- M80 - Ball
- M62 - Tracer
- M61 - Armor piercing
- M63 - Dummy
- M82 - Blank
(Click card to view answer)
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Questions in this topic: Weapons
- 1 .
- What Army Field Manual covers the M136 AT4?
- 2 .
- What is the M136 AT4?
- 3 .
- From which shoulder is the M136 AT4 fired?
- 4 .
- What is the approximate length of the M136 AT4 Rocket?
- 5 .
- What is the approximate weight of the M136 AT4 Rocket?
- 6 .
- What is the length of the M136 AT4?
- 7 .
- What is the maximum range of the M136 AT4?
- 8 .
- What is the overall weight of the M136 AT4?
- 9 .
- What is the maximum effective range of the M136 AT4?
- 10 .
- What is the minimum target engagement range of the M136 AT4?
- 11 .
- How many pre-fire checks are there for the M136 AT4 and what are they?
- 12 .
- If you have a misfire with the M136 AT4, what should you do?
- 13 .
- How large and what does the back-blast area of the M136 AT4 consist of?
- 14 .
- What is the FM concerning the M16/A2 Rifle?
- 15 .
- What is the first thing you should do when you handle a weapon?
- 16 .
- Name the five phases in Basic Rifle Marksmanship.
- 17 .
- What is the purpose of a weaponeer?
- 18 .
- What are the four fundamentals of marksmanship?
- 19 .
- During Preliminary Marksmanship Training (PMI), what are the only two positions taught?
- 20 .
- What are the two basic elements of the Sight Picture?
- 21 .
- What does the acronym SPORTS stand for?
- 22 .
- What is remedial action?
- 23 .
- Describe the proper procedures for applying remedial action with the M16/A2.
- 24 .
- Describe the proper procedure for applying immediate action with the M16/A2.
- 25 .
- Is SPORTS an Immediate or Remedial Action?
- 26 .
- What is immediate action?
- 27 .
- How many times should immediate action be applied to a weapon?
- 28 .
- What is a malfunction?
- 29 .
- Name the different categories of malfunctions on the M16/A2.
- 30 .
- What is stoppage?
- 31 .
- How do you clear a stoppage?
- 32 .
- What is the definition of Maximum Effective Range?
- 33 .
- What does CLP stand for?
- 34 .
- Describe the M16/A2 Rifle.
- 35 .
- What are the 7 types of ammunition that can be used with the M16/A2 Rifle?
- 36 .
- What are the four steps required in order to mechanically zero the M16/A2?
- 37 .
- What are the steps required in order to battlesight zero the M16/A2?
- 38 .
- Describe the weights of the M16/A2 Rifle.
- 39 .
- Describe the max effective rates of fire for the M16/A2 Rifle.
- 40 .
- What is the muzzle velocity of the M16/A2 Rifle?
- 41 .
- Describe the ranges for the M16/A2 Rifle.
- 42 .
- Describe the Barrel Rifling for the M16/A2 Rifle.
- 43 .
- What is the basic load of ammunition for the M16/A2 Rifle?
- 44 .
- The elevation knob adjusts the point of aim for the M16A2 Rifle how much?
- 45 .
- What is the overall length of the M16/A2 Rifle?
- 46 .
- What are the 8 steps in the functioning of the M16/A2 rifle?
- 47 .
- Describe the procedures for clearing the M16/A2 Rifle.
- 48 .
- How do you perform a functions check on the M16/A2 Rifle?
- 49 .
- What is the FM concerning the M4 Rifle?
- 50 .
- What is the first thing you should do when you handle a weapon?
- 51 .
- Name the five phases in Basic Rifle Marksmanship.
- 52 .
- What is the purpose of a weaponeer?
- 53 .
- What are the four fundamentals of marksmanship?
- 54 .
- During Preliminary Marksmanship Training (PMI), what are the only two positions taught?
- 55 .
- What are the two basic elements of the Sight Picture?
- 56 .
- What does the acronym SPORTS stand for?
- 57 .
- What is remedial action?
- 58 .
- Describe the proper procedures for applying remedial action with the M4.
- 59 .
- Describe the proper procedure for applying immediate action with the M4.
- 60 .
- What are the steps required in order to mechanically zero the M4?
- 61 .
- What are the steps required in order to battle sight zero the M4?
- 62 .
- Is SPORTS an Immediate or Remedial Action?
- 63 .
- What is immediate action?
- 64 .
- How many times should immediate action be applied to a weapon?
- 65 .
- What is a malfunction?
- 66 .
- Name the different categories of malfunctions for the M4 Rifle.
- 67 .
- What is stoppage?
- 68 .
- How do you clear a stoppage?
- 69 .
- What is the definition of Maximum Effective Range?
- 70 .
- What does CLP stand for?
- 71 .
- Describe the M4 Rifle.
- 72 .
- What are the 7 types of ammunition that can be used with the M4 Rifle?
- 73 .
- Describe the weights of the M4 Rifle without mgazine and sling, with sling and loaded 20 round magazine and with sling and loaded 30 round magazine.
- 74 .
- Describe the max effective rates of fire for the M4 Rifle.
- 75 .
- What is the muzzle velocity of the M4 Rifle?
- 76 .
- Describe the ranges for the M4 Rifle.
- 77 .
- Describe the Barrel Rifling for the M4 Rifle.
- 78 .
- What is the basic load of ammunition for the M4?
- 79 .
- The elevation knob adjusts the point of aim for the M4 Rifle how much?
- 80 .
- What is the overall length of the M4 Rifle?
- 81 .
- What are the four positions for the buttstock of the M4 Rifle?
- 82 .
- What are the 8 steps in the functioning of the M4 rifle?
- 83 .
- What part of the M4 Rail Adapter System may be removed to perform PMCS?
- 84 .
- Describe the procedures for clearing the M4 Rifle.
- 85 .
- How do you perform a functions check on the M4 Rifle?
- 86 .
- Once done installing the M18A1, how far behind the mine should the wire be secured?
- 87 .
- Describe the M18A1
- 88 .
- What is the M18A1 primarily used for?
- 89 .
- What is the first step in installing the M18A1?
- 90 .
- How much does the M18A1 weigh?
- 91 .
- What color is a "training" M18A1?
- 92 .
- How long is the wire that the M4 blasting cap is connected to?
- 93 .
- Name the components that are in the bandoleer of the M18A1
- 94 .
- Where will you find the instructions for the employment of the M18A1?
- 95 .
- What color is a "live" M18A1?
- 96 .
- What is the effective frontal range of the M18A1?
- 97 .
- Who keeps the M57 firing device while the M18A1 is being installed?
- 98 .
- What Field Manual covers the M18A1?
- 99 .
- What are the two sites used on the M18A1 to aim it?
- 100 .
- When aiming the M18A1 using the slit-type peepsight, how far above the ground do you aim?
- 101 .
- When aiming the M18A1 using the knife edge sight, how far above the ground do you aim?
- 102 .
- What type of explosive is used in the M18A1?
- 103 .
- One M40 test set is included with how may M18A1 claymores?
- 104 .
- What is the killing zone of the M18A1?
- 105 .
- How far is the danger area to the rear of the M18A1?
- 106 .
- What is the M2 .50 Cal machine gun used for?
- 107 .
- What is the weight of the M2 .50 Cal machine gun?
- 108 .
- Which FM covers the M2 .50 Cal?
- 109 .
- What is the importance of correct head space adjustment on the .50 Cal machine gun?
- 110 .
- What is the length of the barrel of the .50 Cal?
- 111 .
- What is the maximum range of the .50 Cal?
- 112 .
- What is the muzzle velocity of the .50 Cal?
- 113 .
- What is the description of the .50 Cal, HB, M2 Machine Gun?
- 114 .
- What is the maximum effective range of the .50 Cal against point and area targets?
- 115 .
- To control the rate of fire on the M2, the gunner may use what methods of fire?
- 116 .
- Describe the Single Shot method of fire on the M2 .50 Cal.
- 117 .
- Describe the Slow method of fire on the M2 .50 Cal.
- 118 .
- Describe the Rapid method of fire on the M2 .50 Cal.
- 119 .
- Describe the Cyclic method of fire on the M2 .50 Cal.
- 120 .
- What is the length of the .50 Cal, overall?
- 121 .
- What is the cyclic rate of fire of the M2 .50 Cal?
- 122 .
- What type of front sight does the M2 .50 Cal have?
- 123 .
- What type of rear sight does the M2 .50 Cal have?
- 124 .
- What are the common malfunctions of the M2 .50 Cal?
- 125 .
- What are the common stoppages of the M2 .50 Cal?
- 126 .
- What are the ten major components and assemblies of the M2 .50 Cal?
- 127 .
- What are the proper procedures for performing immediate action on the M2 .50 Cal?
- 128 .
- If you turn the M203 windage screw one increment, how far does that move the strike of the round at 200 meters?
- 129 .
- What is the maximum range of the M203?
- 130 .
- What is the maximum effective range of the M203 against a fire team sized area target?
- 131 .
- What is the maximum effective range of the M203 against a vehicle or weapon point target?
- 132 .
- What is the minimum arming range of the 40 mm round fired from the M203?
- 133 .
- What is the rate of fire of the M203?
- 134 .
- What Field Manual covers the M203?
- 135 .
- What is the casualty radius of a M203 40 mm HE round?
- 136 .
- What are the 4 fundamentals of M203 marksmanship?
- 137 .
- The M203 uses several fixed type, low velocity 40 mm rounds. Name some of the common types of rounds used.
- 138 .
- What are the two common malfunctions of the M203?
- 139 .
- What are the five common stoppages of the M203?
- 140 .
- What are the two types of sights on the M203?
- 141 .
- Describe the M203.
- 142 .
- At what range do you zero the M203?
- 143 .
- How must you maintain the M203 Grenade Launcher in varying climates?
- 144 .
- How long should you wait before opening the breach to unload the weapon if you happen to have a misfire with the M203?
- 145 .
- What is the weight of the M240B?
- 146 .
- What Field Manual covers the M240B?
- 147 .
- Describe the M240B.
- 148 .
- What is the sustained rate of fire for the M240B?
- 149 .
- What is the rapid rate of fire for the M240B?
- 150 .
- What is the cyclic rate of fire for the M240B?
- 151 .
- What is the maximum range of the M240B?
- 152 .
- What is the maximum effective range of the M240B with tripod and T&E?
- 153 .
- What is the maximum effective range of the M240B for an area target?
- 154 .
- What is the maximum effective range of the M240B for a point target?
- 155 .
- What is the length of the M240B?
- 156 .
- What is the maximum tracer burnout for the M240B?
- 157 .
- What types of ammunition can be used with M240B?
- 158 .
- What are the proper clearing procedures for the M240B?
- 159 .
- What are the proper procedures for performing a function check on the M240B?
- 160 .
- What is the maximum range of the M249 (SAW)?
- 161 .
- What is the maximum effective range of the M249 with tripod and T+E?
- 162 .
- What is the maximum range of the M249 against an area target for both tripod and bipod?
- 163 .
- What is the maximum range of the M249 against a point target for both tripod and bipod?
- 164 .
- What does S.A.W. stand for?
- 165 .
- What is the weight of the M249?
- 166 .
- What is the basic load of ammunition for the M249?
- 167 .
- What is the length of the M249
- 168 .
- Describe the M249.
- 169 .
- What FM covers the M249?
- 170 .
- What are the rates of fire for the M249?
- 171 .
- What are the proper procedures for clearing the M249?
- 172 .
- What are the 8 major groups of the M249?
- 173 .
- The M249 is loaded, fired, unloaded and cleared from what bolt position?
- 174 .
- What are the steps to the cycle of functioning for the M249?
- 175 .
- How do you adjust for windage with the M249?
- 176 .
- How do you adjust for elevation with the M249?
- 177 .
- Name 3 assault firing positions used with the M249
- 178 .
- What are two unique features of the M249?
- 179 .
- What is the FM that covers the M60?
- 180 .
- What is the weight of the M60?
- 181 .
- What is the maximum effective range of the M60?
- 182 .
- What feature of the M60 allows the user to change the barrels rapidly?
- 183 .
- What are the sustained, rapid and cyclic rates of fire for the M60?
- 184 .
- What is the most effective rate of fire for the M60?
- 185 .
- What is the tracer burnout range for the M60?
- 186 .
- What is grazing fire?
- 187 .
- What is the maximum range of grazing fire for the M60 over level or uniformly sloped terrain?
- 188 .
- What is always the Number 1 target on an M60 range card?
- 189 .
- What are the 5 types of ammunition used with the M60?
- 190 .
- What weapon is scheduled to replace the M60 machine gun?
- 191 .
- Describe the M60.
- 192 .
- The M60 is fired with the bolt in what position?
- 193 .
- How often should the barrel be changed on the M60?
- 194 .
- Name 2 common malfunctions of the M60
- 195 .
- What should you do if you have a "runaway gun" with the M60 Machine Gun?
- 196 .
- How many barrels are issued with the M60?
- 197 .
- What are the proper procedures to clear the M60 Machine Gun?
- 198 .
- How do you perform a function check on the M60?
- 199 .
- How many spring-loaded fins are attached to the M72A2/A3 LAW?
- 200 .
- What is the muzzle velocity of the M72A2 and M72A3?
- 201 .
- Describe the M72A2/A3 LAW
- 202 .
- What is the length of the Launcher of the M72A2 and the M72A3?
- 203 .
- About the Rocket in the M72A2 and the M72A3, how long is it and how much does it weigh?
- 204 .
- What FM covers the use of the M72 LAW?
- 205 .
- What is the Minimum range of the M72A2 and the M72A3 in a combat environment?
- 206 .
- What is the Maximum Range of the M72A2 and the M72A3?
- 207 .
- What is the Maximum Effective range of the M72A2 and the M72A3?
- 208 .
- Because the M72-series LAW is issued as a round of ammunition rather than as a weapon, inspection is limited to a visual examination of the sealed unit. How do you inspect the M72 series LAW?
- 209 .
- What is the first thing that you should do before engaging a target with the LAW?
- 210 .
- What kind of projectile is fired form the LAW?
- 211 .
- What is the first step in preparing the LAW for use?
- 212 .
- What is the weight of a complete M72A2?
- 213 .
- What is the weight of a complete M72A3?
- 214 .
- If you have a misfire with the M72A2/A3 LAW, what should you do?
- 215 .
- What is the weight of the M9 pistol with an empty magazine?
- 216 .
- Describe the M9 pistol.
- 217 .
- Describe the magazine for the M9.
- 218 .
- What is the weight of the M9 pistol with a 15 round magazine?
- 219 .
- What is the basic load of ammunition for the M9?
- 220 .
- How many rounds can a magazine designed for the M9 hold?
- 221 .
- What are the two types of ammunition used by the M9?
- 222 .
- What Field Manual covers the M9?
- 223 .
- What are the proper clearing procedures for the M9?
- 224 .
- What are the steps required to perform a function check for the M9?
- 225 .
- What are the steps to the cycle of operation of the M9?
- 226 .
- How do you perform immediate action for the M9?
- 227 .
- How do you perform remedial action for the M9?
- 228 .
- What are the major components of the M9?
- 229 .
- What is the maximum range of the M9?
- 230 .
- What is the maximum effective range of the M9?
- 231 .
- What are the three safety features found on the M9?
- 232 .
- What is the weight of the M11 pistol with an empty magazine?
- 233 .
- Describe the M11 pistol.
- 234 .
- Describe the magazine for the M11.
- 235 .
- What is the weight of the M11 pistol with a 13 round magazine?
- 236 .
- What is the basic load of ammunition for the M11?
- 237 .
- How many rounds can a magazine designed for the M11 hold?
- 238 .
- What are the two types of ammunition used by the M11?
- 239 .
- What Field Manual covers the M11?
- 240 .
- What are the proper clearing procedures for the M11?
- 241 .
- What are the steps required to perform a function check for the M11?
- 242 .
- What are the steps to the cycle of operation of the M11?
- 243 .
- How do you perform immediate action for the M11?
- 244 .
- How do you perform remedial action for the M11?
- 245 .
- What are the major components of the M11?
- 246 .
- What is the maximum range of the M11?
- 247 .
- What is the maximum effective range of the M11?
- 248 .
- What are the three safety features found on the M11?
- 249 .
- What size projectile is fired from the MK19?
- 250 .
- What is a special feature of the barrel of the MK19?
- 251 .
- What is a MK64, MOD7?
- 252 .
- Describe the MK19.
- 253 .
- What is the length of the MK19?
- 254 .
- What is the maximum range of the MK19?
- 255 .
- What is the maximum effective range of the MK19?
- 256 .
- What are the rates of fire for the MK19?
- 257 .
- What is the muzzle velocity of the MK19?
- 258 .
- What are the two most common malfunctions of the MK19?
- 259 .
- When taking immediate action for a "runaway gun" with the MK19, should you ever break the ammo belt?
- 260 .
- One click in rear site windage equals how many change?
- 261 .
- What mounts are available for the MK19?
- 262 .
- Describe the sight system for the MK19.
- 263 .
- What is the weight of the MK19 weapon system?
- 264 .
- What are the approved methods of destruction for the MK19?
- 265 .
- What FM covers the MK19?
- 266 .
- What is the average recoil force of the MK19?
- 267 .
- What is the type of ammunition fired from the MK19?
- 268 .
- What are the 6 steps in the MK19 cycle of operation?
- 269 .
- What are the proper procedures to clear a MK19?
- 270 .
- What are the proper procedures for performing immediate action on the MK19?
- 271 .
- What is a hand grenade?
- 272 .
- What is the effective casualty-producing radius of the M67 hand grenade?
- 273 .
- What are the components of a hand grenade?
- 274 .
- What are the three characteristics of all hand grenades?
- 275 .
- What FM covers Grenades and Pyrotechnic Signals?
- 276 .
- In what five areas can the hand grenade assist the individual soldier in the accomplishment of the mission?
- 277 .
- What are the six types of hand grenades?
- 278 .
- How do you inspect unpacked grenades or grenades stored in ammunition pouches?
- 279 .
- What types of grenades should every soldier be able to identify
- 280 .
- About the M67 Fragmentation Grenade:
- 281 .
- About the M18 Colored Smoke Grenade:
- 282 .
- About the AN-M8 HC Smoke Grenade:
- 283 .
- About the AN-M14 TH3 Incendiary:
- 284 .
- About the ABC M7A2 and ABC M7A3 CS Riot Control: