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Army Programs: Question #
What does the ACS symbol represent?
The heart = giving, the cross = help, the gyroscope = stability
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Questions in this topic: Army Programs
- 1 .
- What does ASAP stand for?
- 2 .
- What is the mission of ASAP?
- 3 .
- What are the objectives of ASAP?
- 4 .
- What is meant by deglamorization of alcohol?
- 5 .
- What army Regulation covers ASAP?
- 6 .
- Is ASAP participation mandatory for Individuals that are command referred?
- 7 .
- What will happen to Soldiers who fail to participate in or fail to respond successfully to rehabilitation?
- 8 .
- What are the ways that Soldiers can be identified as having a substance abuse problem?
- 9 .
- What are the objectives of rehabilitation with ASAP?
- 10 .
- What are the objectives of bio-chemical testing (also called a urinalysis)?
- 11 .
- Commanders may direct drug testing under what conditions?
- 12 .
- All ASAP referrals are accomplished by the Commander or 1SG using what form?
- 13 .
- Can Soldiers that are enrolled in an ASAP rehabilitation program reenlist?
- 14 .
- Will Soldiers who are command referred to ASAP be flagged?
- 15 .
- What Does ACS stand for?
- 16 .
- What does the ACS symbol represent?
- 17 .
- What is the ACS mission statement?
- 18 .
- What Army regulation covers ACS?
- 19 .
- How is ACS staffed for the most part?
- 20 .
- What is the motto of the ACS?
- 21 .
- Who qualifies for ACS?
- 22 .
- What can you do to help out ACS?
- 23 .
- What regulation covers the ACES?
- 24 .
- What regulation covers Army Learning Centers?
- 25 .
- What are the goals of ACES?
- 26 .
- What does TABE stand for?
- 27 .
- How much of your tuition does the tuition assistance grant pay?
- 28 .
- Name some federal financial aid programs available to Soldiers through ACES
- 29 .
- What are some of the basic services offered by the Army Continuing Education Center?
- 30 .
- What Soldier development programs does ACES provide?
- 31 .
- What does DANTES stand for?
- 32 .
- What does DANTES do?
- 33 .
- Soldiers with a GT score of less than 110 should be referred to what?
- 34 .
- Soldiers who begin their active service after what date are eligible to receive the new GI Bill?
- 35 .
- What does SOC stand for?
- 36 .
- What does SOCAD stand for?
- 37 .
- AER closely coordinates with what other organization?
- 38 .
- What is AER?
- 39 .
- What does AER stand for?
- 40 .
- What is the Army Regulation that covers AER?
- 41 .
- Are you required to contribute to AER to receive help?
- 42 .
- Who does AER help?
- 43 .
- How are monetary contributions made to AER?
- 44 .
- When is the AER annual fund campaign held army-wide?
- 45 .
- How does AER provide financial assistance?
- 46 .
- What is the purpose of AER?
- 47 .
- What is the dollar limit on AER loans?
- 48 .
- Failure to repay an AER loan (unless repayment would cause undo hardship) will cause the Soldier's name to be placed on an AER restricted list which is disseminated Army-wide. What does this mean for the Soldier?
- 49 .
- What is the AER Motto?
- 50 .
- The minimum amount that can be contributed to AER through allotment is what amount?
- 51 .
- How is AER funded?
- 52 .
- What is the purpose of the Army Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program?
- 53 .
- The Army's policy on Army Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program applies where and when?
- 54 .
- What are the goals of the Army Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program?
- 55 .
- Define sexual assault.
- 56 .
- Sexual assault includes what acts?
- 57 .
- More than half of sexual assault offenses include what?
- 58 .
- Prevention of sexual harassment is whose responsibility?
- 59 .
- Define the following terms as they apply to the Army Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program: victim, alleged perpetrator, and perpetrator.
- 60 .
- What is the Army's policy on sexual assault?
- 61 .
- If someone has been sexually assaulted, to whom may they report the crime?
- 62 .
- Army Regulation 27-10 outlines the rights of crime victims, what are they?
- 63 .
- What must Commanders do to implement and support the Army's Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program?
- 64 .
- What are the categories of sexual harassment and give some examples?
- 65 .
- What does EO stand for?
- 66 .
- What is an EOR?
- 67 .
- What rank should an EOR normally be?
- 68 .
- What are some of the special commemorations / ethnic observances listed in AR 600-20?
- 69 .
- What Army Regulation covers the EO program?
- 70 .
- What are the goals of the EO program?
- 71 .
- What are the three policies each commander is required to publish and post on equal opportunity?
- 72 .
- Soldiers are required to have how many periods of EO training per year?
- 73 .
- Define the term ethnic group.
- 74 .
- Define the term racism.
- 75 .
- Describe minority group
- 76 .
- What is sexual harassment?
- 77 .
- What is an Affirmative Actions Plan (AAP)?
- 78 .
- What is the primary channel for correcting discriminatory practices and for communications on equal opportunity matters?
- 79 .
- Does every unit have an EO representative?
- 80 .
- What does AFAP stand for?
- 81 .
- What Army Regulation covers the Army Family Action Plan?
- 82 .
- When was the AFAP program established?
- 83 .
- The AFAP program creates an information loop between whom?
- 84 .
- The AFAP program's process of improvement begins where?
- 85 .
- The Army family has been symbolized by the Secretary of the Army as an equilateral triangle. How is each side of the triangle expressed?
- 86 .
- The philosophy toward the family, based on the Army Family White Paper, consists of three critical elements. What are they?
- 87 .
- What are some things that the AFAP does?
- 88 .
- What types of programs are focused on in the "Family of Components"?
- 89 .
- What type of programs are focused on in the "Family of Units"?
- 90 .
- What is the basis for the Army theme, "The Army family"?
- 91 .
- What types of programs are focused on in the Family of People?
- 92 .
- What are some activities that the American Red Cross offers?
- 93 .
- How is the ARC staffed for the most part?
- 94 .
- What is the major service that Red Cross offers?
- 95 .
- What Army Regulation covers Red Cross?
- 96 .
- What Army Regulation covers the Army Retention Program?
- 97 .
- What are some reasons that a soldier may be ineligible for reenlistment?
- 98 .
- What is an SRB?
- 99 .
- What is the minimum number of years that a soldier must reenlist for to be eligible for an SRB?
- 100 .
- Can a Soldier request separation if a bar to reenlistment is imposed?
- 101 .
- Describe a Bar to Reenlistment.
- 102 .
- A Bar to Reenlistment is reviewed how often?
- 103 .
- Who can initiate a Bar to Reenlistment?
- 104 .
- Who is the final approving authority for a Bar to Reenlistment?
- 105 .
- Soldiers SGM and below who have not reenlisted under the indefinite reenlistment program are required to receive Retention Interviews. When are they done?
- 106 .
- Who may lift a Bar?
- 107 .
- What type of fire extinguisher must not be used on electrical fires?
- 108 .
- Who is responsible for the Army Safety Program?
- 109 .
- The word SAFETY is often associated with what term?
- 110 .
- What accounts for the majority of accidents?
- 111 .
- Accidents are reported in accordance with what regulation?
- 112 .
- 3 safety features commonly found in any barracks.
- 113 .
- What safety features are stressed in the motor pool?
- 114 .
- How often are fire extinguishers in the barracks required to be checked for serviceability, and how can this be determined?
- 115 .
- What AR covers safety?
- 116 .
- Where on post can you find out how many privately owned vehicle accidents that were fatal have occurred this year?
- 117 .
- Should there be a sponsorship program for a soldier departing a unit?
- 118 .
- What Army Regulation covers the Total Army Sponsorship Program?
- 119 .
- What is S-Gate?
- 120 .
- What DA Form is used to transmit sponsorship requirements to gaining commands?
- 121 .
- How soon after the DA Form 5434 is received should a sponsor be assigned?
- 122 .
- What are the general rules for appointing a sponsor?
- 123 .
- What are the six elements of the sponsorship program?
- 124 .
- The primary goal of the Army's QOLP is to promote the development of military group commitment and cohesiveness, is essential to what?
- 125 .
- What are some examples of the QOLP?
- 126 .
- What does QOLP stand for?
- 127 .
- The Army's Quality of Life program is dedicated to the precept that the Army's number one operational resource must be taken care of. What is this resource?
- 128 .
- Quality of Life needs and the programs and actions to address them, are categorized under two general headings. What are they?
- 129 .
- Who is the senior enlisted advisor to the BOSS council, and approves members selected to serve on BOSS committees?
- 130 .
- According to AR 215-1, what does the BOSS program provide?
- 131 .
- What type of program is BOSS?
- 132 .
- How many officers are on the BOSS council?
- 133 .
- What is the lowest level unit that has a BOSS council representative?
- 134 .
- What are the 3 pillars of BOSS?
- 135 .
- What is CHAMPUS?
- 136 .
- What Army regulation covers CHAMPUS?
- 137 .
- Who is Eligible for CHAMPUS?
- 138 .
- What Does DEERS stand for?
- 139 .
- What is DEERS used for?
- 140 .
- What does NCODP stand for?
- 141 .
- What is the goal of NCODP?
- 142 .
- As with all leader training and leader development, who is responsible for NCODP?
- 143 .
- NCODP is typically managed by whom?
- 144 .
- What are some objectives of NCODP?
- 145 .
- What Army Regulation covers NCODP?
- 146 .
- What is the purpose of AR 350-1?
- 147 .
- In order to accomplish battle-focused NCO development, commanders and unit NCOs should follow what procedures?
- 148 .
- A successful NCODP will result in NCOs who can what?