With Me Getting BAH, Would My Husband Get His Post 9/11 GI Bill Housing Allowance?
Q: My husband finished his time in the Marine Corps and wants to use his Post 9/11 GI Bill. I am currently on orders with the National Guard (ADOS) and getting BAH. Will he receive his BAH allowance? Thank you.
A: No he will not. Why? Because the New GI Bill does not pay BAH. Even though the Post 9/11 GI Bill Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) is based on the BAH tables, that is where the similarity ends:
• BAH is paid twice a month (on the 1st and 15th) where the MHA is paid once a month (and only when the student is going to school) and usually arrives a month in arrears.
• BAH is based on the zip code of the servicemember’s residence where the MHA is based on the zip code of the school and prorated based on the number of credits the student is taking.
• BAH is paid based on the servicemember’s pay grade and dependent status where the MHA is paid at the pay grade of an E-5 with dependents regardless of the servicemember’s rank at discharge or if s/he has dependents.
Using one acronym where you actually mean the other one just causes confusion.
However to answer your question, yes, because he has his own Post 9/11 GI Bill, he will get his own MHA. As noted above, where he goes to school drives in part how much he will get, but overall, the U.S. average is about $1,300 per month.
He would also get $41.67 per credit per semester as a book stipend (up to the $1,000 per year cap) and the VA would pay his tuition directly to his school. So overall, it is not a bad deal.