With An Honorable Discharge, Can I Get Any Other School Benefit?
Q: If I used my Montgomery GI Bill, can I qualify for any other type of educational benefits with honorable discharge?
A: Depending on when you served, you may qualify for the Post 9/11 GI Bill. You would have had to serve at least 90-days on an active duty Title 10 order after September 10, 2001, to meet the minimum qualifications and to get the minimum benefit of 40%. The full 100% benefit takes three years or more.
Because you already had the Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB), and if you exhausted all your MGIB benefits, then you would get an additional 12 months of Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits. If you have not exhausted all of your MGIB and switched, then you would get the same number of Post 9/11 GI Bill months of benefit as you had left under the MGIB.
Also, check with your State Veterans Affairs Office. Most states offer various state-funded education options to their veterans.