Will My Post 9/11 GI Bill Pay For Me to Get My Commercial Drivers License?
Q: I am currently finishing my associate’s degree at the University of Northwestern OH with my Post 9/11 GI Bill. I am hoping to use it for their CDL course, but I’m not sure if this can be done because it’s a certification at a degree producing institution. I am just hoping for a solid answer.
A: This would have been a problem before the GI Bill 2.0 change, because the Post 9/11 GI Bill generally did not cover the training leading up to a certification or license. However, they would reimburse you one-time for the cost of such a test. But if you didn’t pass it, they would not pay you to take it again.
But now after the change, not only will the Post 9/11 GI Bill will still reimburse you up to $2,000 for the cost of the test (and cover more than just one test), but they will pay for your CDL training leading up to the tests.
The one thing that will be different though is you will get $83.00 per month for books whereas a credit-based degree-producing course would pay $41.67 per credit. Not a big deal though as you should still do well on $83 per month for books.
For your CDL test and endorsements, you will have to pay up front out of your pocket and then request reimbursement from the VA for the costs of the tests. Be sure to keep receipts that clearly explain what each test and endorsement costs you, so there isn’t any question about it that could hold-up your reimbursement money. Your VA Certifying Official at your school can help you fill out the reimbursement paperwork and submit it.