Will I Get a Separate BAH When I Activate My Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits?
Q: I am currently an active duty SSG and I get BAH. Will I get a separate BAH when I activate my Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits?
A: It depends on if you are talking about using your Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits while you are still on active duty or not. If you are still on active duty at the time, no, you would not receive an additional housing allowance payment on top of your BAH.
However, if you attend a public school, your tuition would be paid in full at the undergraduate resident rate. If you choose to attend a private school, then the VA would pay up to $17,500 per year in tuition. Whether you attend public or private, you would also get the book stipend calculated at $41.67 per credits (up to the $1,000 yearly cap).
If you plan on using your Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits once you are out of the military, then yes you would get the housing allowance. The amount you would get is dependent on two things: the number of credits you are taking verses the number of credits your school considers to be full-time and the zip code of your school.
Being you are still on active duty, I would consider using Tuition Assistance (TA) and Tuition Top-Up if I were you. Both are great programs to maximize your Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits as TA pays most of the bill. What TA doesn’t pay then comes out of your GI Bill benefits under Top-Up.