Why Can’t I Transfer Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits That Are Mine to My Sons?
Q: If I still have my GI Bill Benefits even though I am retired, why can’t I transfer what is mine to my sons who need it for college.
A: Hey, I’m with you! However, our Congress personnel are not. The way they wrote the Post 9/11 GI Bill, you had to be serving “on or after August 1, 2009″ to make a transfer request, so all of you who retired prior to the August 1st date were just plain screwed.
I will never understand why Congress did that to our veterans as thousands of you are fully eligible for the transfer option because you have the requisite six years of Title 10 service after September 10, 2001, but because you retired before the “magic” date of August 1, 2009, you were excluded from the transfer option.
And the worse part is Congress has not seen fit to fix it yet to this day. There have been a couple of pieces of legislation that would have provided for a one-time transfer, but not only did they not pass, they never even made it to a vote, so what does that tell you about how Congress feels about the veterans that helped secure the freedom they so enjoy!
This is one wrong that needs to be fixed. I encourage all of you to contact your Legislators and ask them to either create legislation or support legislation that would right this wrong. The focus is on those serving today and those that served yesterday seemed to have been forgotten.
So the reason you can’t transfer benefits to your sons is Congress doesn’t seem to think it is important enough to do anything about changing it.