When Will I Be Fully Vested for Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefit?
Q: Deployed to OIF 10 Feb 2009 – 10 Feb 2010. AGR T32 11 Feb 2010 to current. When will I be fully vested for Post 9-11 GI Bill benefit? Thanks.
A: It takes three years of eligible service to fully qualify for the Post 9/11 GI Bill at the 100% level. With your one-year of deployed time, you were at the 60% level.
Your Title 32 time back to August 1, 2009 does count right now toward Post 9/11 GI Bill eligibility with the passage of the GI Bill 2.0, however, you can’t start drawing Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits acquired under the Title 32 program until October 1st . That shouldn’t effect you right now as it sounds like you want to wait until you are 100% vested in the program anyway.
So according to my calculations, you should be at the 100% tier sometime around 11 February of 2012. Keep in mind if you plan to transfer benefits to your spouse or dependent children, you need to have served at least six years and agree to serve an additional four years.
Unlike active duty, those in the Reserve and National Guard can transfer benefits with less than 100% eligibility, but the recipient of the benefit inherits the sponsor’s tier percentage.