When Can I Expect to See My Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits?
Q: I just recently relocated to South Carolina after being medically discharged from the Army in July 2010. To date I have not received my first disability check not to mention any monies for school/books. My first day of class was yesterday and I have assignments that are due but no books to complete these assignments due to NO MONEY!!! Who do I contact to find out where my monies are for both DISABILITY AND SCHOOLING. Please give me resources that will actually give me answers and time frames as to when I can expect my monies. I have used up what savings I had. I need some answers, PLEASE!
A: I can’t talk about your disability payment because I only handle GI Bill-related issues, but I can tell you your first Post 9/11 GI Bill payment will take 8 to 10 weeks. After you get your first check, then you should get a check the first part of each month for payment for the previous month. You will always be a month behind in getting paid.
You should have been advised to have enough money in reserve to live on for at least the first semester before you started school. If you started school in August, you won’t see any GI Bill money until at least early November. That check should include the few days of August, and all of September and October.
You can contact the VA at 1-888-GIBILL1. Sometimes, you can get a quicker response by contacting one of their State or Regional Offices. Good luck.