Under the Post 9/11 GI Bill, What Percentage Per Credit Hour Do You Get for the Housing Allowance?
Q: With the Post 9/11 GI Bill, what is the percentages per credit hour you would get for BAH?
A: Under the Post 9/11 GI Bill, your housing allowance (not BAH – that is something entirely different) is calculated based on the zip code of your school, the number of credits you take and paid at the pay grade of E-5 with dependents at your tier percentage.
So if you are taking a full credit load – full-time determined by your school – and you are at the 100% tier, then you would get the full housing allowance authorized for your school’s zip code. However, if you are taking let’s say 51% of the number of credits required to be a full-time student, or seven credits in this case, then you would get 7/12th of the full housing allowance. Anything less than 51% and you would not be authorized any housing allowance.
If you are taking all your classes online, then you fall under a different housing allowance rate – up to $673.50 for a full-time online-only student at the 100% tier. Of course if you are not carrying a full-time online load or not at the 100% tier, then your housing allowance would be prorated to a lesser amount.
The work-around is to take at least one classroom class per semester creditable to your degree plan on campus. This would get you the maximum housing allowance that you are authorized.