If I Use My Post 9/11 GI Bill for Flight Training, How Does That Affect My Remaining Entitlement?
Q: Hello, I’m a Reservist in the Air Force and still currently have 24 months left of my GI Bill. I know that we are allowed to use the Post 9/11 GI Bill for Flight Training. How does that effect the months I have left? I want to get my Flight Instructor Certificate and it could possibly only take me 2 months to complete so if I do flight training, will it only count against my GI Bill for however long it takes me to finish the course or is there an automatic amount of months that get taken from the GI Bill per flight training certificate? Thanks for the help.
A: As a Reservist, you most likely have the Montgomery GI Bill – Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR). If you were on active duty before coming into the Reserves, or you were activated on a Title 10 order in support of a contingency operation, then you also may have eligibility for the Post 9/11 GI Bill. It sounds like you want to switch over to the Post 9/11 GI Bill?
Being you are going for a flight certification, you can get the lesser of two things – either reimbursed for the full cost of getting your certification or up to the annual amount, which right now is limited to $10,970.46 per academic year. The interesting thing about the academic year is you could get up to that amount worth of training before August 1st for that year and up to another equal amount after August 1st for the new academic year.
As far as entitlement use, the VA would only deduct the actual amount of time spent in training. So if your training to get your certification takes two months, then that is the amount of entitlement they would deduct.
Just so you know, with certifications and using the Post 9/11 GI Bill, you would not get the monthly housing allowance or book stipend. It just pays for actual training costs and no more.