If I Transferred Some of My Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits, Am I Limited to a Total of $17,000 or That Amount Per Person?
Q: Greetings. I was wondering, I have split up my GI Bill between my wife, daughter and myself. Am I still limited to only a total of $17,000 total in a calendar year total, or is that each since I split up the bill? Thanks!
A: Actually the amount is $17,500 per year to attend a private school. If you are at the 100% level and attend a public school in the state of your residence, your tuition and eligible fees would be paid in full.
As far as what you would get using the Post 9/11 GI Bill, each of you get the same benefits, i.e. each of you could get up to $17,500 per year if all of you attended a private school. To the VA, it makes no difference if they pay just you a set amount spread over 36 months or split your benefits and pay each of you up to that amount over a period of time of less than 36 months. In the end the amount the VA pays is the same.
Also don’t forget that if you are no longer serving in the military that most likely all of you would be eligible for the monthly housing allowance and book stipend. If you are still serving, your spouse would not be eligible for the housing allowance but would get the book stipend, however your daughter would get both, even if she is still living at home. Go figure!
If you using Tuition Assistance and you are over what TA pays, then the Tuition Top-Up amount would come out of your Post 9/11 GI Bill remaining benefits. Once you are out and use your benefits, then you would get your tuition paid, and the book stipend and housing allowance.