If I Switch to the Post 9/11 GI Bill, Do They Refund Me My Montgomery GI Bill $1,200 Contribution?
Q: I bought into the old MGIB when I enlisted, and then paid in again when they changed it. I understand there is no cost associated with transferring to the Post-9/11 (aka 2.0) version up front. I probably already know the answer, but thought I would ask anyway: if I switch to the latest and greatest, do they refund me the amount I’ve already paid in for this benefit?
A: I’m not sure what you mean when you say “I bought into the old MGIB when I enlisted, and then paid in again when they changed it.”, unless you are referring to VEAP and then you paid to convert to the MGIB.
Probably, much to your surprise actually there is a way to get at least get part of, if not all, you your MGIB contribution back. I don’t know if that was the answer you were expecting or not.
If you switch over to the Post 9/11 GI Bill with all 36 months of your unused MGIB entitlement left, you can get your full $1,200 contribution back once you have used up all 36 months of your Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits. It will come as part of your last housing allowance payment.
If you have used some of your MGIB benefits and switch with less than 36 months, then you will get a proportional amount of your contribution back. For example, let’s say you switch with 18 months left. To estimate how much you would get back, divide $1,200 by 36 months and then multiply that result by 18. Each month is worth about $33.33 dollars.
However, know that if you switch with MGIB benefits left, you will not get the additional 12 months of Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits; you only get the additional time if you first use up all your MGIB benefits.