How Does the Post 9/11 GI Bill Housing Allowance Pay Work for the Summer Session?
Q: I recently just finished my first semester of college using the Post 9/11 GI Bill. I have signed up for summer classes to continue to get the housing allowance. If my class start June 10th and goes till August 9th, will I receive the housing allowance in June or July. One more question how does the pay work? Do they pay you on the first for that months housing allowance or do they pay you on the month for the previous months housing allowance. Thank you for any help in figuring this out.
A: When you get paid for your Post 9/11 GI Bill housing allowance (and more on that in a minute), it should be for the 21 days in June that you attended school. Your July check should be for a full month and your August check for the 9 days you were in school.
The VA works on a 30-day month regardless of how many actual days there are in a month and they only pay you for the days you were supposed to be in school. Usually the first and the last month of a semester are not full months so you normally would not get full housing allowance in the beginning or at the end of a semester.
Now about when you get paid. Just so you know, it can take 8 to 10 weeks to get your first housing allowance payment at the start of each semester. For the rest of the semester, you should get paid during the beginning of each month. But, then note the process starts all over again for the next semester. The VA is always a month late in paying so the pay you get for one month is actually for the previous month.
Also note that when your school sends in a Certificate of Enrollment on your behalf can also affect the date when you see money deposited into your account. Some schools are more adept at submitting the required paperwork than others.