Can I Get Any Additional GI Bill Entitlement to Finish My Bachelor’s Degree?
Q: I am about to complete my second year under the Post 9/11 GI Bill program and get my associate’s degree. I want to transfer to a different school to go for my bachelor’s degree (my current school took away their bachelor program) but come this Sept. I will only have 12 mo. left on my Post 9/11 GI Bill. Do you have any idea how I get an additional 12 months? This bachelor program is 2 years total. I am a disabled vet with a disability rating at 80% and I was discharge Dec. 2008.
A: I’m still trying to figure out how you already burnt up 24 months of your original 36 months getting your associate’s degree unless you went the Summer Sessions too, which is not typical.
But anyway, you can’t get any additional months of entitlement once you use up your last 12 months of your Post 9/11 GI Bill. While under the Rule of 48, you are authorized a total of 48 months, that applies only if you have two or more GI Bills.
Your best bet is to start applying for scholarships and grants. Stay away from student loan if you can because they have to be paid back whereas the other two don’t.
One place to start is the Scholarships for Disabled Veterans at Fastweb! Another good place is here. Scroll down to the National Scholarships for Veterans and Veterans Scholarships from Colleges and Universities portions. U.S. Veterans Magazine also has a good list of financial aid resources. Also ask your school about a work-study program that would be within your capability.
The point is there are numerous sources of money available and each year much of it goes unused due to a lack of applications. With some work, you should be able to find the diamonds among all the coal and fund out your last year of school. Good luck!