Being My Father Was in the Army and Two Wars, Are There Any Benefits I Can Use to Go to College?
Q: My father was in the Army and in 2 wars. I wanted to know if there are any benefits that can help me go to college since I am his son? I was told that since he was in the Army and in 2 wars that the Army will pay for me to go to college. Is this true and if not, are there anything available for me?
A: It could be true depending on some factors. First, is your father totally and permanently disabled as a result of his military service? If so, and if you are under age 26, you may qualify for up to 45 months of benefits under the Survivors’ and Dependents Education Assistance Program (DEA). But, if you are older than 26 or your father is not service-connected P&T disabled, then most likely you are not eligible for education benefits.
The fact that he was in two wars really does not have any relevance to the issue. He would be on the same type of order regardless of where he was at.
If you are not eligible under DEA, then I suggest you fill out a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) application to see what you qualify for as far as financial aid. It is a fairly easy application to fill out and then you would know if you qualify or not and for how much. You might be pleasantly surprised!
Otherwise, apply for scholarships and grants. These are better than student loans in that they do not have to be paid back. The money is out there – all you have to do is find it. You may have to sort through a bunch of coal to find a diamond, but in the end it would be worth your time.