Q: Ron, Someone forwarded me one of your answers to a GI Bill question concerning transferability. As someone who has been working day and night on the New GI Bill 2.0 legislation I can assure you that any reports about limiting transferability eligibility are incorrect. The provision of S.3447 that was mentioned in some media articles a month or so back has been removed and DOD has no intention of lowering one of their biggest retention tools when they don’t have to pay for it. As someone who works with GI Bill cases regularly… we both know how much we need to finish rounding off the rough edges of the new GI Bill. I hope you can spread the word that new GI Bill 2.0 (S.3447/H.R. 5933) is going to help thousands of student veterans.
A: I’ll do what I can to spread the word. I know I was displeased when I read about them offering (or not offering) the transfer option based off of recruiting and retention needs. I’m glad they go that nonsense out of their head and that part has been removed.
Yes, the GI Bill 2.0 (that was the first time I heard it referred by that name) will help present and future Post 9/11 GI Bill holders for years to come, provided it passes.
So again, as I have so many times in the past, I plead with all the readers to please, please contact your legislators and ask them to support S.3447/H.R. 5933, along with H.R. 950 and H.R. 3577. Passing these important follow-on bills to the original Post 9/11 GI Bill will open up education opportunities for thousands of servicemembers, veterans and family members with transferred benefits. Hopefully, this post will go viral to get maximum exposure and reaction. And a special thank-you to Patrick for the GI Bill work he is doing on behalf of all of us.