Army Study Guide Flashcards
- Army requirements for leaders: officers and non-commissioned officers frequently change. At times, the Army has a need for leaders with certain backgrounds, experience, and expertise. The size of the Army leader corps by law in terms of strength by grade. Army needs limit the number of selections and assignments that can be made. Thus, a leader’s potential is partially determined by how they compare with their peers.
- Duty performance. Performance of duty is an extremely important factor in determining a leader’s potential. Duty performance is judged by how well a Soldier performs their assigned tasks and how well they meet Army professional values uniquely established for each respective corps.
- Leader qualifications. It must be considered in order to meet Army needs for outstanding leaders of troop or technical units, supporting staff managers, and technical specialists. One consideration in determining qualifications is the different skills and backgrounds required by different specialties. Another consideration is a Soldier’s individual progress through specialist fields to positions of greater responsibility. In addition, their length of service, civil schooling, military schooling, or other unique skills required by the Army are considered.