Colleges in Vermont
In 1609, Samuel de Champlain sailed into Lake Champlain named the area "Verde Mont," French for "Green Mountains." Visitors can hear French spoken in parts of Vermont, evidence of the state's heritage and its border with Quebec. Vermont's largest industry is tourism. Its calendar of events includes hikes, Remembrance Days and reenactments. In the spring, the state hosts a unique Maple Festival, with a maple syrup contest. In the autumn, there's a cheese festival, as well as an apple harvest festival.
There are sports attractions from ski resorts to summer camps, and historic sites dating back hundreds of years. Vermont has 52 state parks, as well as a stretch of the Appalachian National Scenic Trail, which runs from Maine to Georgia. The small city of Montpelier, the smallest capital city in the country, has on the oldest and best preserved capitol buildings, capped with a gold dome.
There are two Army National Guard instillations in Vermont: Camp Johnson and Camp Ethan Allen.
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