Colleges in Hawaii
For many people, just the mere mention of the state of Hawaii conjures up visions of crystal clear beaches, peaceful waterfalls, and soft sand between your toes. Hawaiian residents enjoy these beautiful landscapes as well as mild weather year-round. Average daytime temperatures are 82 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer and 72 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter.
With a population of nearly 1.3 million, the state of Hawaii and its residents are spread among 8 main islands. Honolulu is Hawaii's largest city, with a population of 377, 357 in 2006, and is the home to two Army bases, Fort Shaftner and Schofield Barracks. Because Hawaii's location is in the middle of the Pacific, it attracts tourists, residents and students from America, Europe, and Asia and is an ideal location for military students. Some Universities in Hawaii also offer courses taught on military bases with a range of start dates throughout the year, and options of simultaneous part-time service and part-time study.

This list does not include all schools that accept GI Bill funding or VA Benefits. For a more complete list of schools, click here.
This list does not include all schools that accept GI Bill funding or VA Benefits. For a more complete list of schools, click here.
Disclaimer: Armystudyguide.com does not guarantee the schools listed above accept GI Bill funding. Please check with the school before enrolling.