Schools in Georgia Near Fort McPherson
The nearby city of Atlanta provides any leisure-time activity imaginable. The Fort McPherson Morale, Welfare, and Recreation division sells tickets to movie theaters, aquariums, museums, the Atlanta zoo, and any number of scheduled events. The MWR also runs on-base activities and equipment rental for intramural sports, camping, gymnasium, bowling, hobby shops, and a golf course.
Georgia is known for its moderate weather, which makes Fort McPherson a solid year-round facility. Additionally, nearby schools offer those interested in Fort McPherson education opportunities to study. Nearby schools include:
- Saint Leo University
- Central Michigan University
- Clayton State University
- Georgia Military College
In addition to the numerous colleges and universities in and around Atlanta, residents of Fort McPherson have education services available on-base and via online programs that offer a range of degrees including associate's, bachelor's, and master's degrees in a variety of subjects.

This list does not include all schools that accept GI Bill funding or VA Benefits. For a more complete list of schools, click here.
This list does not include all schools that accept GI Bill funding or VA Benefits. For a more complete list of schools, click here.
Disclaimer: does not guarantee the schools listed above accept GI Bill funding. Please check with the school before enrolling.