Who Do I Contact to Support H.R. 1330 Bill?
Q: I am a retired SFC retiring after Sep 2001, but before Aug 2009. I am one of many that are highly disappointed that we are not included in the privilege of transferring our benefits to our children. Who in the legislature, i.e. Governor/Senator, do I need to contact reference the new bill (H.R. 1330) that was introduced by Rep Alexander (R-LA)? I would like to start a campaign and get signatures in order to get this bill signed into law.
A: I’m with you. I’ve never understood what Congress was thinking when they excluded all of all of you guys from being able to transfer Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits. But then, I never understood why online-only students were not authorized a housing allowance.
They may go to school virtually, but they still have physical needs such as buying food to eat, and needing a place to live. Fortunately, the GI Bill 2.0 changed that and starting on August 1st, at least full-time online-only students will get $673.50 (which is only 50% of what traditional students receive, but still better than what they got in the past).
But, now back to your question. I would start with contacting your U.S. Congress Senators and Representatives asking them for their support on H.R. 1330. Explain how disappointed you are in that you were excluded and they now have an opportunity to right a wrong. Because this is a Federal issue, Governors won’t be much help, unless it gets on their national meeting agenda.
I would encourage all readers of this blog to do the same thing. Legislators listen to numbers. If a few complain, it isn’t a big deal. If they hear from a large number of their constituents (and it has the possibility of affecting their re-election), they pay attention.