What Are My GI Bill Benefits and How Do I Transfer Them to My Daughter?
Q: I have been serving active duty Army since Apr. 97 and I paid the $100 a month for 12 months for the MGIB. I am trying to give my daughter the GI Bill to go to school when she graduates from high school next year. I have not used my benefits at all since I joined. I am not sure what to do to give her my benefits and what are the benefits? Do I need to switch programs to give her my benefits? My retirement date is scheduled for 30 Apr 2017. I am indefinite at this time. Thank you for your help on this.
A: I have good news and bad news. The bad news is you cannot give your daughter your Montgomery GI Bill benefits as that GI Bill does not have a transfer-of-benefits-to-dependent-children option to it.
The good news is you qualify for the Post 9/11 GI Bill and that does have a transfer benefit where you can give your daughter and/or spouse some or all of your 36 months of benefits.
To get a transfer approved, you need to have served for at least six years and have at least four years left on your enlistment at the time of transfer – requirements you already meet.
So now all you have to do is go to the Transfer of Benefits (TEB) website and enter into your daughter’s account how many months you wish to transfer to her. Once you hit the submit button, you will see the Status Block change to “Pending Review” After 8 to 10 weeks, check the Status Block again and look for an “Approved” status.
Once the status changes, then have your daughter send in VA Form 22-1990e from the eBenefits website. In return, she will get her Certificate of Eligibility that she will need when enrolling in college as a Post 9/11 GI Bill student using transferred benefits.