With My Father’s Navy Service, Is It Possible to Transfer His GI Bill Benefits to Me?
Q: My father served 1974-2007 in the Navy, is it possible to transfer his GI Bill to me now?
A: No it is not – at least for right now. According to the transfer rules of Post 9/11 GI Bill written by Congress, the servicemember has to be serving “on or after August 1, 2009” in order to make a transfer request. In addition, s/he also has to have served for at least 6 years and agree to serve for another 4 years.
When the Post 9/11 GI Bill rules were written, those retiring before August 1, 2009 were overlooked and that wrong has not been righted yet to this day. A couple pieces of legislation have been introduced over the last few years that if approved would have corrected this last remaining issue, however, not only did neither piece pass, neither even made it to a vote and both have subsequently died in place.
If you are interested, I have created a petition that if approved, would give 20-year plus veterans retiring before August 1, 2009, an opportunity to make a one-time transfer to a dependent(s) or spouse. Please read it over and if you (and your father) choose to support it, we would love for you to sign the document. There are basically two groups affected and the petition explains each group very well.