Is the Maximum GI Bill Benefit Now 58 Months?
Q: I have used up my 36 months of my GI Bill, but I heard it was raised to 58 months. Is that true or is it still just 48 months?
A: If you qualify for only one GI Bill, then it is up to 36 months. If you have the Montgomery GI Bill and you served three years or more on active duty, then you had 36 months as you indicated. If you served less than 36 months, then you may only have one month of benefits for each month you served. If you have the Post 9/11 GI Bill, then you have 36 months of entitlement with as little as 90 days of service.
If you qualify for two or more GI Bills, then the maximum combined benefit is capped at 48 months under the Rule of 48. To get the additional 12 months though, you would have to first use up the entire benefit from one GI Bill and then switch to the other one. If you switch with benefits left on your first GI Bill, then you get that same number of months after you switch to the second.