If I’m AGR, Can I Get My Post 9/11 GI Bill Upon Retirement?
Q: Greetings, I am a Title 32 AGR with over 20 years of active service. I enlisted originally with the Chapter 1606 version. Shortly after I became AGR, I paid $100 a month for 12 months for what I believe is called Chapter 30. I am eligible to retire and my question is two-fold: Can I get the Post 9/11 GI Bill immediately upon my retirement? Can I stay in and still draw from the Post 9/11 GI Bill without incurring future obligations? Thank you for your time.
A: Yes, Chapter 30 is the Montgomery GI Bill – Active Duty (MGIB-AD). While you could retire now (and have the MGIB), my recommendation is to stay until the end of August 2012. Why? The way Congress wrote the Post 9/11 GI Bill, none of your Title 32 time counts toward the New GI Bill at this time – only Title 10 time.
However, with the passage of GI Bill 2.0 that will change starting on October 1st. After that date, Title 32 time acquired on or after August 1, 2009 will count toward Post 9/11 GI Bill eligibility, so staying until August 2012 would give you the three years of time you need to get to the 100% level. If you retired now, you would get credited with only with about 17 months, which would put you at the 70% Post 9/11 GI Bill tier.
You could start using your Post 9/11 GI Bill starting on October 1st and not incur any additional obligation as you are retirement eligible right now, but it would be beneficial to stay the additional 18 months as they are worth 30% in additional GI Bill benefits.