How Much Tuition Would Be Paid Under the New GI Bill 2.0?
Q: I live in South Carolina, but the school I want to attend is in New York (CUNY). How much tuition would be paid under the new GI Bill 2.0? I am the dependent of a National Guard member and he is eligible for 60% of the GI Bill currently; next year he will be eligible for 80%.
A: It depends on if CUNY is a private or public school. If it is a private school or you have to pay out-state tuition (which it sounds like you will), then you will be limited to 60% of the $17,500 cap that was part of the GI Bill 2.0 changes.
If New York does not charge out of state tuition or they have a reciprocity agreement with South Carolina (which I doubt as usually reciprocity agreements are with adjoining states), or if CUNY is a public school then they would pay 60% of actual school charges. As you know, the GI Bill 2.0 did away with maximum in-state charges, so the VA will pay actual costs (or a percentage there of, if you are not at the 100% Post 9/11 GI Bill tier) starting with the fall term.
If you were at the 100% Post 9/11 GI Bill, the thing that could help you is if CUNY is a Yellow Ribbon School. If so, and your program is one of the covered ones in their Yellow Ribbon agreement with the VA, the school could pay up to half of the difference between what the GI Bill pays and what the school charges. The VA would pay an equal amount. This should leave you with very little left to pay.