How Is the Housing Allowance Figured for Online Schools?
Q: How is the housing allowance figured for online schools? I live in Dallas, but I am taking classes at University of Phoenix. Will I get BAH based on my HOR or the zip of the school?
A: Neither, as the Post 9/11 GI Bill housing allowance (BAH) is not authorized for online-only students. The way around that is to take at least one class pertaining to your degree plan per term at a local college. If you take a class per term, then your housing allowance is based on the zip code of your local school.
There are a couple bills in Congress that would change that and allow online-only student the housing allowance or at least a partial amount.
H.R. 3577 would authorize online-only students 100% of the Post 9/11 GI Bill housing allowance. S.3447 also has a provision in it to authorize online-only students the housing allowance, but at the 50% rate, in addition to corrrecting five other issues with the Post 9/11 GI Bill. Contact your legislators and as them to support these two bills.