How Do I Prove I Paid Into the Montgomery GI Bill?
Q: Hi there. I have contacted someone a while ago at the VA about my GI Bill. He stated he could not find anything about my benefits. This concerns me of course because I have paid into it. I am going to get ready to deploy for a year, and am trying to see about transferring it to my wife so she can go to college while I am away, but like I said, the guy before said he could not find anything. I need to know who I need to get a hold of and how so I can get all this straightened out please.
A: We have a couple of different issues to discuss. First, if you paid into the GI Bill, then you have the Montgomery GI Bill which does not have a transfer option. So that GI Bill won’t do your wife any good. However, if you want to prove you paid into the MGIB, send to the VA copies of your LESs showing the $100 per month payroll deduction, however, if you don’t plan on using the MGIB yourself, it is a mute point to prove you paid into it.
If you have six years of active duty after September 10, 2001, and sign up for an additional four years, you would qualify for the Post 9/11 GI Bill, which does have a benefit transfer option and doesn’t require a monetary contribution. You could transfer up to 36 months of benefits to your wife before you deploy. Then you wouldn’t even need to worry about the MGIB.
The only way the MGIB would even come into play is if you used all of your MGIB months of benefit and qualified for the Post 9/11 GI bill. Then you could get up to another 12 months of benefits. After using up those 12 months, you would get a portion of your $1,200 back.