How Come I’m Not Getting BAH or the Book Stipend for Online Classes?
Q: How come I do not get BAH or books stipend with my GI Bill using on line classes?
A: There could be a couple of reasons why you are not getting these two items. First, if you are using the Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) instead of the Post 9/11 GI Bill, you would not get either stipend. The MGIB only pays a fixed amount to the student each month. It is the responsibility of the student to pay tuition, fees, books and any other education-related expenses out of this money. Right now, a student that had three years of active duty or more would get $1,426 per month for up to 36 months.
Two, if you are using the Post 9/11 GI Bill, and are a spouse of an active duty servicemember or a servicemember yourself, then you are not authorized either stipend. That will change starting with the fall term. With the passage of the GI Bill 2.0, active duty members and their spouses will start getting the book stipend as of October 1st.
I can see you not getting the housing stipend with all online classes as it is not authorized for online-only students right now. With the GI Bill 2.0 changes kicking in, full-time online-only students can get $673.50 per month on housing stipend, but I don’t understand why you would not get the book stipend, unless it has something to do with your rate of pursuit. That is just a guess as I have to check it out to be sure.