Do I Get a Different Post 9/11 GI Bill Housing Allowance Rate If I Attend Online Classes from Another Country?
Q: I am a Navy Veteran and I will be moving to England at the end of the month where I will apply for online schooling through using my Post 9/11 GI Bill. Will I still only be entitled to the amount here for the United States for housing allowance or will I get more?
A: As an online-only student, you would get the same amount as what you would get if you were living here in the U.S. – $673.50 per month as a full-time student with 100% Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits. If you have less than 100%, or you attend less than full-time, that amount would be even lower.
However if you are at the 100% tier, there is a way you can get the overseas Post 9/11 GI Bill monthly housing amount which is $1,346.88 now and going to $1,368 in the Fall for the 2012 academic school year. All you have to do is attend one course on campus each semester that is creditable to your degree plan at a GI Bill-approved school close to you.
The key is coordinating with your online school as to which classes you want to take on campus. Your online school will then contact your local campus and tell them which classes you are approved to take. Once you are finished with those classes, the on-campus credits will be applied to your degree plan by your online school.
Another key point for making this work is the classes you take on campus have to be part of your degree plan. If not, the VA will not pay for them and you will end up paying for them out of your pocket.