Can I Use the Post 9/11 GI Bill to Attend School in Hong Kong?
Q: I want to go to an overseas school in Hong Kong, China at the University Hong Kong for a B.A. specialized degree. Will the Post 9/11 GI Bill cover this degree, if its still a 4-year degree? Also is the overseas BAH for Hong Kong still offered too for E-5?
A: From the standpoint that you are going to take a degree-producing course, yes the Post 9/11 GI Bill will cover that. Usually the difficult part with a foreign school is getting them approved by the VA, however, in checking the list of VA-approved schools, the University of Hong Kong is already approved. Their tuition rate is listed as $408.09 per credit hour with a total fees per term amount (which includes tuition) of $10,502.97. Your VA Rep there is Vivian Chow.
For tuition, the VA will pay the average amount from all the VA-approved public schools here in the United States. That may or may not cover all of your tuition. I took the liberty to average the listed maximum tuition amounts all the states and territories and it came out exactly at $408.09. If looks like they have that figured out!
As far as your Post 9/11 GI Bill housing allowance (BAH), students attending foreign schools get a fixed amount of $1,333 per month (2009 rate). That amount usually changes annually, so watch for a change. You will also get paid up to $1,000 per year in a book and supplies stipend.