Can I Use the Post 9/11 GI Bill at a Technical School?
Q: I was told that the New GI Bill didn’t include tech schools, such as UTI, and that they were trying to amend it so people could use the GI Bill in these types of schools. If the amendment is made after I get out of the military, does it still apply to me?
A: The Post 9/11 GI Bill is meant to pay for training programs that terminate in getting a degree. So generally speaking, what you were told, as far as the Post 9/11 GI Bill not paying for technical training courses is correct. However, if the technical training is taught by a college that also has degree-producing courses, technical training may be covered.
As far as the amendment, right now there is a bill in the legislature that would allow the Post 9/11 GI Bill to pay for technical training courses taught at a technical or vocational-type school. If the bill passes, and you would want to use your Post 9/11 GI Bill for a technical training course after that, then yes it would apply to you.
If you already have went through a technical training course and the amendment goes through, you couldn’t go back and have your GI Bill pay for that course.