Can I Use My GI Bill Benefits to Go To a Foreign School?
Q: I will ETS in 2012. Can I use my benefits if I choose to study and live overseas? Will I get housing allowance as well?
A: Yes, the Post 9/11 GI Bill can be used at many oversea schools as long as your school is VA-approved. The pay structure is different though for foreign school students than it is for student going to school here in the U.S.
Right now, the Post 9/11 GI Bill pays up to $439.69 per credit in tuition and up to $13,713.88 in fees per term. You would get a fixed rate of $1,333 per month in housing allowance. You would also get the book stipend paid at $41.67 per credit hour with a $1,000 per year maximum. Of course, these figures are assuming your will be at the 100% Post 9/11 GI Bill level with at least three years of service. If you will be at a lesser tier, then multiply the stated amount by your tier percentage.
If the school you are interested in attending is not GI Bill-approved yet, ask them if they want to go through the process to become approved. Generally, it is a simple process.