Can I Apply for GI Bill Benefits After I Have Finished the Course?
Q: A fellow soldier told me that my GI Bill will pay me when I went to the police academy. I graduated December 18, 2009 from the Arkansas Police Academy in Camden, AR; is it too late to file for it?
A: Your GI Bill may pay, depending on which GI Bill you have. Your school is listed as a VA-Approved school, but it is listed as a non-degree school. That means the Montgomery GI Bill would pay for your schooling there. Because the Post 9/11 G I Bill is focused on degree-producing training programs, it would not. So, determining which GI Bill you have is the first step.
The second step is the GI Bill will pay for schooling taken one-year back. Because it is August already, time is running out. If you have the Montgomery GI Bill, then submit VA Form 22-1990 either online at VONAPP or download the form, fill it out, attach the required supporting documentation and send it in. If you have your documentation in electronic form (or you can scan it in), submitting online will get the VA wheels in motion quicker.