LINE 1 — DATE AND TIME______________________________(DTG)
LINE 2 — UNIT________________________________________(Unit Making Report)
LINE 3 — TARGET _____________________________________(Target Identifier–BE Number, Target Signal Number, PIN Number, or RACKET Number)
LINE 4 — BETWEEN ___________________________________(DTG Detected)
LINE 5 — AND ________________________________________(DTG LOST or PRESENT if Still Emitting)
LINE 6 — EMITTER_____________________________________(Emitter Call Sign and Name or Nomenclature)
LINE 7 — LOCATION___________________________________(UTM or Six-Digit Grid Coordinate With MGRS Grid Zone Designator)
LINE 8 — LENGTH_____________________________________(Length of Ellipse Semi-Major Axis)
LINE 9 — WIDTH ______________________________________(Width of Ellipse Semi-Minor Axis)
LINE 10 — AXIS_______________________________________(Axis Orientation)
LINE 11 — PARAMETERS FOLLOW ______________________(Alerts Addressee That the Following 10 Lines Contain Systems Parameters. If you are sending more than one set of parameters, state the number of the set being sent.)
LINE 12 — FREQUENCY________________________________(Frequency of Signal)
LINE 13 — MODE______________________________________(RF Operational Mode)
LINE 14 — INTERVAL__________________________________(Pulse Repetition Interval)
LINE 15 — ACTIVITY___________________________________(Pulse Repetition Interval Activity)
LINE 16 — DURATION__________________________________(Pulse Duration)
LINE 17 — SCAN_______________________________________(Scan Type)
LINE 18 — RATE _______________________________________(Scan Type)
LINE 19 — POLARIZATION______________________________(Antenna Polarization)
LINE 20 — BEARING ___________________________________(Bearing of the Signal From the Detecting Unit’s Position)
** Repeat lines 11 through 20 to report multiple mission/mission data. Assign sequential line numbers to succeeding iterations; for example, first iteration 11-15; second iteration 11a-15a; third iteration 11b-15b; and so on.
LINE 21 — NARRATIVE_________________________________(Free Text for Additional Information Required for Clarification of Report)
LINE 22 — AUTHENTICATION___________________________(Report Authentication)