LINE 1 — DATE AND TIME______________________________(DTG)
LINE 2 — UNIT________________________________________(Unit Making Report)
LINE 3 — EVENT ______________________________________(Type of Incident: BIOLOGICAL or CHEMICAL)
LINE 4 — ALFA________________________________________(NBC Strike Serial Number)
LINE 5 — DELTA_______________________________________(DTG of Detonation or Beginning of Attack or Release)
LINE 6 — ECHO _______________________________________(Day-Time Attack or Release Ended)
LINE 7 — FOXTROT____________________________________(UTM or Six-Digit Grid Coordinate With MGRS Grid Zone Designator of Attack and Code Used to Represent if Reported Location of Attack or ROTA Release is Actual or Estimated)
LINE 8 — GOLF________________________________________(Means by Which Chemical/ Biological Agent Weapon or ROTA Was Delivered or Released)
LINE 9 — HOTEL_______________________________________(Type of Burst, Biological/ Chemical Agent, and Persistency)
LINE 10 — INDIA ______________________________________(Number of Munitions or Aircraft)
LINE 11 — KILO_______________________________________(Description of Terrain and Vegetation)
LINE 12 — MIKE_______________________________________(Enemy Action Before and After Attack and Effect on Troops)
LINE 13 — QUEBEC____________________________________(Location and Type of Sample)
LINE 14 — SIERRA_____________________________________(DTG Contamination Detected)
LINE 15 — TANGO_____________________________________(DTG of Latest Survey)
LINE 16 — XRAY_______________________________________(Area of Actual Contamination)
LINE 17 — YANKEE____________________________________(Downwind Direction and Wind Speed)
LINE 18 — ZULU ALFA__________________________________(Actual Weather Conditions)
LINE 19 — TIME________________________________________(DTG of Observation)
LINE 20 — NARRATIVE_________________________________(Free Text for Additional Information Required for Clarification of Report)
LINE 20L1 POSITION OF OBSERVER_____________________(UTM or Six-Digit Grid Coordinate With MGRS Grid Zone Designator of Observer)
LINE 20A1 HELICOPTER TO AEROSOL RANGE____________(Range in Meters From Helicopter to Aerosol)
LINE 20A2 AEROSOL WIDTH____________________________(Aerosol Width)
LINE 20A3 AEROSOL HEIGHT___________________________(Aerosol Height (optional))
LINE 20A4 AEROSOL HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND___________(Aerosol Height in Meters AGL)
LINE 20Z DETECTION TIME_____________________________(DTG the Aerosol Was Detected)
LINE 20E1 HELICOPTER ALTITUDE_______________________(Helicopter Altitude)
LINE 20E2 HELICOPTER HEADING_______________________(Helicopter Heading in Degrees)
LINE 20E3 HELICOPTER CRAB___________________________(Helicopter Crab Angle)
LINE 20R1 TYPE OF REPORT_____________________________(L, F, LC)
LINE 20R2 FLIGHT TIME REMAINING_____________________(Flight Time Remaining)
LINE 20R3 GROUND TRACK_____________________________(Ground Track)
LINE 21 — AUTHENTICATION___________________________(Report Authentication)
**Add LINES 20 L1-R3 for the Long Range Biological Standoff Detection System (LRBSDS).