LINE 1 — DATE AND TIME______________________________(DTG)
LINE 2 — UNIT________________________________________(Unit Making Report)
LINE 3 — LIAISON_____________________________________(Establishment of and Changes in Liaison Arrangements Between Civil and Military)
LINE 4 — CONTROL___________________________________(Establishment and Changes in Location, Status, Activity of Control Nodes and in the CMO AO)
LINE 5 — AREA OF OPERATIONS________________________(CMO AO Name)
LINE 6 — US CIVILIANS________________________________(Total Number of US Civilians in AO)
LINE 7 — THIRD COUNTRY_____________________________(Total Number of Third Country Civilians in AO)
LINE 8 — FOREIGN NATION____________________________(Total Number of Foreign Nation Civilians in AO)
LINE 9 — TOTAL CIVILIAN POPULATION_________________(Total Civilian Population in the AO)
LINE 10 — MALES UNDER 16____________________________(Total Number of Dislocated Males Under 16 Years of Age)
LINE 11 — UNACCOMPANIED MALES UNDER 16__________(Total Number of Dislocated Unaccompanied Males Under 16 Years of Age)
LINE 12 — MALES OVER 60_____________________________(Total Number of Dislocated Males Over 60 Years of Age)
LINE 13 — MARRIED MALES____________________________(Total Number of Dislocated Married Males)
LINE 14 — SINGLE MALES______________________________(Total Number of Dislocated Single Males)
LINE 15 — FEMALES UNDER 16 _________________________(Total Number of Dislocated Females Under 16 Years of Age)
LINE 16 — UNACCOMPANIED FEMALES UNDER 16________(Total Number of Dislocated Unaccompanied Females Under 16 Years of Age)
LINE 17 — FEMALES OVER 60___________________________(Total Number of Females Over 60 Years of Age)
LINE 18 — MARRIED FEMALES__________________________(Total Number of Dislocated Married Females)
LINE 19 — SINGLE FEMALES____________________________(Total Number of Dislocated Single Females)
LINE 20 — DISLOCATED MALES_________________________(Total Number of Dislocated Males in AO)
LINE 21 — DISLOCATED FEMALES ______________________(Total Number of Dislocated Females in AO)
LINE 22 — TOTAL MALES AND FEMALES_________________(Total Number of Dislocated Males And Females in AO)
LINE 23 — CONTROLLED_______________________________(Total Number of Dislocated Civilians in Controlled Movement)
LINE 24 — UNCONTROLLED____________________________(Total Number of Dislocated Civilians in Uncontrolled Movement)
LINE 25 — MANPOWER_________________________________(Changes in Civilian Manpower Indicate Changes/Shortages in Labor Availability)
LINE 26 — PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION____________________(Changes in Capability to Continue Essential Functions)
LINE 27 — LEGAL______________________________________(Changes in Status of Legal Accommodations and Accords)
LINE 28 — INTELLIGENCE______________________________(Changes in Civilian Attitude; Identification of Collaborators, Agents, and Dissident Elements; Espionage, Sabotage, and Political Subversion)
LINE 29 — LAW AND ORDER____________________________(Changes in Civilian Law and Order)
LINE 30 — PUBLIC HEALTH_____________________________(Changes in Status of Public Health)
LINE 31 — SUPPLY_____________________________________(Changes in Status of Civilian Supplies)
LINE 32 — TRANSPORTATION___________________________(Changes in Status of the Civil Transportation System)
LINE 33 — DRINKING WATER___________________________(Water Potability Status; Potable, Local Only; Nonpotable; to US Standards, as Applicable)
LINE 34 — WATER PRODUCTION________________________(Adequacy of the Water Production Capability; Adequate, Not Adequate, or None, as Applicable)
LINE 35 — SEWAGE TREATMENT________________________(Status of Sewage Treatment; Adequate, Not Adequate, or None, as Applicable)
LINE 36 — REFUSE_____________________________________(Status of Refuse Collection Adequate, Not Adequate, or None as Applicable)
LINE 37 — RADIO______________________________________(Status of the Radio Capability Using OPERATIONAL, NONOPERATIONAL, or UNKNOWN)
LINE 38 — TELEVISION_________________________________(Status of the Television Capability Using OPERATIONAL,
LINE 39 — NEWSPAPER________________________________(Status of the Newspaper Capability Using OPERATIONAL,
LINE 40 — POSTAL_____________________________________(Status of the Postal Capability Using OPERATIONAL, NONOPERATIONAL, or UNKNOWN)
LINE 41 — TELEPHONE_________________________________(Status of the Telephone Capability Using OPERATIONAL,
LINE 42 — TELEGRAPH_________________________________(Status of the Telegraph Capability Using OPERATIONAL,
LINE 43 — TELETYPE___________________________________(Status of the Teletype Capability Using OPERATIONAL,
LINE 44 — ELECTRIC NAVIGATION SYSTEM______________(Status of the Electric Navigation System Using OPERATIONAL, NONOPERATIONAL, or UNKNOWN)
LINE 45 — WORD OF MOUTH___________________________(Status of Word of Mouth Communications Using OPERATIONAL, NONOPERATIONAL, or UNKNOWN)
LINE 46 — CIVIL DEFENSE______________________________(Civil Defense Incidents Affecting Civilian Community, Critical Events, and Assistance Provided US Forces)
LINE 47 — SHORTAGES_________________________________(Changes or Shortages Community (Water Shortages, Quarantines, Road Restrictions, Curfews))
LINE 48 — SUPPORT RECEIVED__________________________(Changes in Support Received From Civilian Community)
LINE 49 — PSYOP______________________________________(Changes in Enemy PSYOP Actions Targeted at Civilian Community)
LINE 50 — PROTECTED PROPERTY_______________________(Changes in Status of Arts, Monuments, and Archives)
LINE 51 — CULTURE___________________________________(Changes in Local Civil, Social, Cultural, Religious, and Ethnic Characteristics)
LINE 52 — RECOMMENDATIONS________________________(Narrative Summary and Recommendations Concerning the Status of Civil-Military Operations Activities)
LINE 53 — NARRATIVE_________________________________(Free Text for Information Required Clarification of Report)
LINE 54 — AUTHENTICATION___________________________(Report Authentication)