LINE 1 — AREA OF VALIDITY___________________________(NBC event)
LINE 2 — DATE AND TIME______________________________(DTG)
LINE 3 — UNIT________________________________________(Unit Making Report)
LINE 4 — WINDS______________________________________(DTG Winds Were Measured)
LINE 5 — FORECAST___________________________________(DTG Forecast Begins)
LINE 6 — AO__________________________________________(Area of Operation Affected)
LINE 7 — DIRECTION__________________________________(Downwind Direction)
LINE 8 — WIND SPEED_________________________________(Wind Speed in K/MPH)
LINE 9 — AIR STABILITY_______________________________(Air Stability Category:
1 = Very Unstable (U)
2 = Unstable (U)
3 = Slightly Unstable (U)
4 = Neutral (N)
5 = Slightly Stable (S)
6 = Stable (S)
7 = Very Stable (S))
LINE 10 — TEMPERATURE______________________________(Temperature Code:
05——-> 5 DEG C
04——-> 4 DEG C
03——-> 3 DEG C
02——-> 2 DEG C
01——-> 1 DEG C
00——-> 0 DEG C
51——-> -1 DEG C
52——-> -2 DEG C
53——-> -3 DEG C
54——-> -4 DEG C
55——-> -5 DEG C
56——-> -6 DEG C)
LINE 11 — HUMIDITY__________________________________(Humidity Code:
0 = 0-9%
1 = 10-19%
2 = 20-29%
3 = 30-39%
4 = 40-49%
5 = 50-59%
6 = 60-69%
7 = 70-79%
8 = 80-89%
9 = 90-100%)
LINE 12 — WEATHER__________________________________(Significant Weather
Phenomena Code:
3 = Blowing Snow and Sand
4 = Fog, Ice Fog, or Thick Haze
5 = Drizzle
6 = Rain
7 = Light Rain or Snow
8 = Showers of Rain, Hail
or a Mixture
9 = Thunderstorms
(-) = No Significant Phenomena)
LINE 13 — CLOUD COVER______________________________(Cloud Cover Code)
**Repeat as necessary. Weather information valid for first two hours.
LINE 14 — NARRATIVE_________________________________(Free Text for Additional Information Required for Clarification of Report
LINE 15 — AUTHENTICATION___________________________(Report Authentication)