First Aid

Identify the proper procedures for treating a casualty with burns.

Identify signs and symptoms of chemical agent poisonings and their treatments

BLACKHAWK load options, MEDEVAC vs. CASAVAC In-flight interventions and limitations, Physical size, limitations Total “transfer time” vs. “flight time”, “written orders” vs. “standing orders”

Apply a field dressing, elevation, manual pressure, a pressure dressing, and a tourniquet, as needed, to a wound on a casualty’s limb

Identify the three types of heat injuries and the treatment for each

Soldiers continue to die on today’s battlefield just as they did during the Civil War. The standards of care applied to the battlefield have always been based on civilian care principals. These principals while appropriate for the civilian community often do not apply to care on the battlefield.

Apply a dressing to a casualty with an open chest wound

Identify the proper procedures for treating a cold injury casualty

Splint a suspected fracture of the arm or leg

Apply a SAM splint to a fractured limb

As a combat lifesaver, you will evaluate and treat soldiers as your combat duties permit