Top News
» Pamphlet updates career management for officers
DA Pam 600-3 was released to the field electronically Oct. 21
» Army names NCO, Soldier of Year
» Army Leaders to Discuss”Enabling a Joint, Expeditionary Army”
The central focus of the winter symposium is the Army’s decisive commitments to joint and expeditionary force capabilities

Army officials are warning Soldiers against buying imitation Army Combat Uniforms
» Army recruiting messages help keep Army rolling along
Slogans, along with recruiting posters, have been used by the Army since the earliest days to help fill its ranks.

Pvt. Roderick Evans carries a picture of himself at 418 pounds to remind himself to never give up.

» New technology helps recovering Soldiers
The “Thin Client” system, first introduced in 2005, was created by Information Technology Systems for the purposes of e-learning, video communications and entertainment
» New ASEP partners to employ Army spouses
We place great importance on increasing Army spouse employment because it is the right thing to do and because the Army understands that Soldier retention is closely linked to how well we care for each Soldier’s family
» Army reaches assignment incentive pay milestone
» Pace Says Differing Tour Lengths Affect Deployment Morale
Marine Gen. Peter Pace said that when he visits combat zones, morale generally is high. But after a bit of digging, he said, he finds the different tour length policies among the services work against morale.
» Army unveils new advertising campaign "Army Strong"
The Army Strong campaign will build on the foundation of previous recruiting campaigns by highlighting the transformative power of the Army.
» Some Soldiers eligible for MGIB benefits transfer
The Army will study the results of the program with the possibility of making it a permanent part of the Army’s reenlistment policies.
» Army releases game-based training tool – SLIM ES3
The simulation immerses Soldiers into scenario-driven events to teach and evaluate a Soldier’s knowledge regarding the essential tactics
» Warriors battle for top Army honors
The fifth annual Department of the Army NCO/Soldier of the Year Competition brings together warriors from the ranks of private to sergeant first class who have proven themselves through company, battalion, division and major command levels.