1st Term Soldier on Orders? You don't always have to go!
Initial Term Soldiers don’t always have to comply with orders. They have choices.
Did you know …
Initial term Soldiers (Soldiers that have not reenlisted yet) that have been placed on assignment instructions (AI) can reenlist for any other option which they are qualified. (Soldiers begin receiving reenlistment options within 18-months from ETS)
Regulatory Guidance:
AR 601-820, Chapter 4, paragraph 4-2. Restrictions:
b. Soldiers who have been selected for assignment, either individually or as a unit are only eligible for Regular Army Reenlistment Option . However, initial term soldiers, and soldiers who have 4 years or less of service for pay purposes at ETS and elect not to take action to meet the minimum tour requirements, may reenlist for any option for which they are otherwise qualified. Soldiers are considered to be selected for assignment based on the date of the Enlisted Distribution and Assignment System (EDAS) cycle or the message that transmitted the assignment.