General Counseling Information
is for use as examples only. This information IS NOT meant to be a
shortcut to "knock out a counseling, but rather a source for ideas to aid in the
preparation of a counseling. If you have information which you would like
included in this section, please submit it to us. We will add your
information as "submitted by" if you would like.
We do not accept submissions of counseling
statements that were obviously copied and pasted off a Soldier counseling
statement. We will also not accept sample counseling statements that list
information that could lead one to believe that it is from a certain unit or in
any way, be tracked back to a Soldier. When submitting a counseling,
please make reference to SOLDIER, not an actual or fake name. Do not
reference any other personnel by name, instead us NCO, Rank or Position.
Again, we welcome counseling samples.
Everyone may need a little help at some point and your submission could help out
a fellow leader that may be stumped for ideas.