Airborne Promotion Advantage (APA)
The Airborne Promotion Advantage (APA) is applied by MOS and grade. The APA is applied only to cutoff scores for those MOSs listed on the monthly DA Promotion Point Cutoff Scores designated as eligible for the APA. This authorization applies only to soldiers on current hazardous duty orders.
Soldiers must be airborne qualified and assigned to an authorized position designated as SQI P, S or V. It should be noted, the system/module is designed to only apply the APA (65 points for promotion to SGT and 25 points for promotion to SSG) to soldiers with the appropriate data as reflected in TAPDB.
Subsequently, only soldiers with the appropriate MOS, SQI, and assigned to valid positions will be selected and be indicated on the Monthly SGT/SSG Promotion Selection By-Name Listing. The APA applies to all MOSs which are effected by conversion (i.e. cutoff score for 29V states SEE 31P and 31P is listed as an APA MOS for that grade then the APA also applies to 29V).