Installation and electrical firing of the M18A1 Claymore Mine
a. Laying and Aiming.
(1) Laying.
(a) Check to see that the mine and all accessories are in the bandoleer. Read the instruction sheet attached inside the bandoleer cover before installing the mine.
(b) Remove the electrical firing wire leaving the mine and other accessories in the bandoleer.
Warning: During installation the M57 firing device must be kept in the possession of the man installing the mine to prevent accidental firing by a second man.
(c) Secure the shorting plug end of the firing wire at the firing position. Place the bandoleer on your shoulder and unroll the firing wire to the position selected for emplacing the mine.
Note. The instructor sheet which accompanies the M18A1 mine with slit-type peepsight indicates that the firing wire can be unrolled from the mine or from the firing position; however, the firing wire should always be laid from the firing position to the mine emplacement.(d) Remove the mine from the bandoleer; turn the legs rearward and then downward. Spread each pair of legs about 45 degrees. One leg should protrude to the front and one to the rear of the mine. Position the mine with the surface marked “FRONT TOWARD ENEMY” and the arrows on top of the mine pointing in the direction of the enemy or the desired area of fire. On snow or extremely soft ground the bandoleer may be spread beneath the mine for support.
(e) To prevent tipping in windy areas or when the legs cannot be pressed into the ground, spread the legs to the maximum (about 180° so that the legs are to the front and rear of the mine.
(2) Aiming.
(a) Mines with slit-type peepsight.
1. Select an aiming point which is about 50 meters (150 feet) to the front of the mine and about 2½ meters (8 feet) above the ground.
2. Position the eye about 15 centimeters (6 inches) to the rear of the sight. Aim the mine by sighting through the peepsight. The groove of the sight should be in line with the aiming point. The aiming point should be in the center of the desired area of coverage, and the bottom edge of the peepsight should be parallel to the ground that is to be covered with the fragment spray.
(b) Mines with knife-edge sight.
1. Select an aiming point at ground level that is about 50 meters (150 feet) in front of the mine.
2. Position the eye about 15 centimeters (6 inches) to the rear of the sight. Aim the mine by alining the two edges of the sight with the aiming point.
b. Arming and Electrical Firing.
(1) Secure the firing wire about 1 meter behind the mine so it will not become misalined should the firing wire be disturbed.
(2) Test the firing device, test set, and blasting cap assembly.
Warning. Make certain that the combination shorting plug and dust cover is assembled to the connector of the firing wire before proceeding with installation of the mine.
(3) Unscrew one of the shipping plug priming adapters from the mine. Slide the slotted end of the shipping plug priming adapter onto the firing wires of the blasting cap between the crimped connections and the blasting cap. Pull the excess wire through the slotted end of the adapter until the top of the blasting cap is firmly seated in the bottom portion of the shipping plug priming adapter. Screw the adapter with blasting cap into the detonator.
Warning. Make certain that the face of the mine marked “Front Toward Enemy” and the arrows on top of the mine point in the direction of the enemy.
(4) Recheck the aim of the mine. Camouflage the mine and, if possible, bury the firing wire to protect it from fire and enemy detection. Make certain you have the bandoleer and other accessories and then move back to the firing position.
Warning. The mine firing position should be in a foxhole or covered position at least 16 meters to the rear or the side of the emplaced mine.
(5) Before connecting the M57 firing device to the firing wire, make certain that the safety bail is in the SAFE position and that all friendly troops within 250 meters of the front and sides and 100 meters of the rear of the mine are under cover. Do not connect the firing device to the firing wire until the actual time of firing.
(6) To fire the mine, remove the dust cover on the firing device, remove the combination shorting plug and dust cover from the end of the firing wire, and connect the firing device to the firing wire. Fire the mine by positioning the firing device safety bail in the FIRE position and actuating the firing device handle with a firm, quick squeeze.